July 13th 2022

Glory at the Canterbury Netball League!

Netball is back at Spires Academy in Canterbury!

Why not grab you trainers, at least 6 mates to get a netball team together. There is no pressure at all to be the next national netball player, just pure social fun with the chance of monthly prize draws and medals to be won!

Our netball leagues are run by only the best umpires in the area and with our no tolerance for disrespect on our courts.

With the best umpires in the UK and a chance for monthly prize draws, FREE TEAM ENTRY and a right laugh with your closest friends, why have you not signed up already!

With just a few weeks left until the start date, sign up on https://www.netball-leagues.co.uk/league/spires-academy/canterbury-monday, call Zoe on 0333 123 2340 or email [email protected]

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