March 5th 2024

Canterbury Monday Netball League News 2024-03-04

In a riveting week of the Canterbury Monday 7-a-side Netball league, the Premier League Division offered a night of intense sporting spectacle. With only two weeks left in the season, every team is fighting to secure their place for the next season.

In last night's matches, the Tigers clawed their way to a decisive 12-6 victory against the Canterbury Hot Shots. Despite the loss, Hot Shots' Lauren Baker displayed an exceptional level of skill and athleticism, earning her the title of the most valued player of the week. Her performance, despite her team's defeat, showed that a strong individual contribution can still shine brightly, even when the final result doesn't go their way.

Meanwhile, the Shooting Stars found themselves outpaced by the Rowdy Rockets, who scooped up a staggering 33-14 win. The match was a testament to the Rockets' agility and teamwork, cementing their place at the top of this week's scorers.

In other news, No Direction managed to secure an uncontested 18-0 victory against Win Or Booze, who struggled to find their footing in the game. No Direction's sheer dominance showcased the high stakes of the competition as we inch closer to the end of the season.

With just a fortnight left, the teams will be doing all they can to secure their place for the next season. The excitement continues to build for the spectators and players alike, as we look forward to the thrilling conclusion of the Canterbury Monday 7-a-side Netball League.

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